There’s more than one way to invest in our funds!

Choose the right fund and get started!

Are you already investing in funds through a platform?

You can smoothly and conveniently start saving by investing in our funds through one of our partners.

Make yourself known!

You can verify your identity by filling in the customer information form and approving it with your personal bank codes from a bank registered in Finland.

Looking to invest for future generations?
Here you can read more about how to invest in funds for your kids or grandkids.

Please note that when completing the form for corporate clients, an authorised signatory should approve the form.

Choice of customer information form:

The authorised signatory should thus sign the form with their personal bank codes.

The signing service is maintained by Signom Oy.

Current client

Great to have you onboard!

Time to increase you investments?

As a current client, you can easily increase your investments in Fondita’s funds through an bank transfer to the selected fund’s account. The following information is required: name and social security number or name of the legal entity, company and corporate identity number (FO number) and whether A- or B-units are to be purchased.

Time to sell?

You need to notify the fund company in writing of the redemption of fund units. In addition, if you have any unit certificates these must be sent to the fund company prior to a possible redemption.

Redemption orders received before 14.30 are executed at the unit value calculated in the fund company during the same banking day. The redemption amount is paid on the following banking day if the fund company does not need to sell securities due to redemption. A confirmation of the redemption is sent to the customer.

About investment funds

The benefits of investment funds

A fund invests financial assets in several different securities that together form an investment fund. The fund is divided into equal fund units, where all parts have the same right to the fund’s capital.

The fund is owned by the private individuals and institutions that have invested assets in it. The fund is managed by a fund company that represents the fund’s unitholders and acts on their behalf in matters concerning the investment fund.

Many benefits

An investment fund has many benefits. Professionals with expertise make the investment decisions, monitor and follow the developments. Because the fund’s assets are invested in many different securities, the risks are reduced, and you get a good distribution of the risk. You can quickly invest in or redeem fund units, which provides good liquidity. Through regulatory supervision, you are also guaranteed good protection as an investor.

Find funds that suit you!

Taxation in Finland

Dividend income, interest income and gains arising from the sale of securities are tax-free for the investment fund.

For those who own return unites, the distributed return is taxable capital income. For those who own growth unites, income is realised and taxed only when the fund units are sold.

Switching between funds is regarded as a sale.
Read more about the taxation in Finland.

This page was last updated

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Spara för en minderårig

Det går bra att fondspara för en minderårig. För att skapa ett kundförhållande för en minderårig krävs det att kundblanketten ifylls med uppgifter om den minderåriga som ska bli kund hos Fondita. I detta fall går det dessvärre inte att använda Fonditas elektroniska kundblankett utan det är pdf-versionen som ska användas. Kundblanketten bör undertecknas av samtliga vårdnadshavare. Pass- eller ID-kopior på samtliga vårdnadshavare samt även på den minderåriga behövs också. Kundblanketten samt pass- eller ID-kopior ska skickas in till Fondita, exempelvis per mail ( eller per post.

En far- eller morförälder eller annan utomstående kan också spara för ett barnbarn eller annan minderårig. Blanketten måste dock alltid undertecknas av samtliga vårdnadshavare som då ger sitt samtycke till sparandet.

Teckningen överförs till den valda fondens konto och i fältet för meddelanden i samband med betalningen markeras den minderåriga mottagarens personnummer.

Teckningsnotor och all korrespondens som hänför sig till den minderårigas kundförhållande skickas till vårdnadshavaren/vårdnadshavarna. Ifall en far- eller morförälder eller annan utomstående önskar ta del av information gällande den minderårigas fondportfölj behövs en fullmakt.

The funds' account numbers

Global Megatrends SEB IBAN: FI60 3301 0001 1308 71 SWIFT/BIC: ESSEFIHX
Healthcare SEB IBAN: FI74 3301 0001 1559 36 SWIFT/BIC: ESSEFIHX
Nordic Micro Cap SEB IBAN: FI47 3301 0001 1308 14 SWIFT/BIC: ESSEFIHX
Nordic Small Cap SEB IBAN: FI37 3301 0001 1308 97 SWIFT/BIC: ESSEFIHX
Sustainable World SEB IBAN: FI63 3301 0001 1342 12 SWIFT/BIC: ESSEFIHX